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Added Packages

dev-perl/IO-AsyncAsynchronous event-driven programming
dev-perl/Test-Metrics-AnyAssert that code produces metrics via Metrics::Any
dev-perl/Metrics-AnySet the Metrics::Any adapter for the program
dev-perl/Test-ExpectAndCheckexpect/check-style unit testing with object methods
dev-perl/Future-IOFuture-returning IO methods
dev-perl/Test-Future-IO-ImplAcceptance tests for Future::IO implementations
dev-perl/FutureRepresent an operation awaiting completion
dev-perl/Test-RefcountAssert reference counts on objects
dev-perl/Struct-DumbMake simple lightweight record-like structures
dev-python/simsimdFastest SIMD-Accelerated Vector Similarity Functions for x86 and Arm

Updated Packages